

Educating startup founders through valuable content, we're open to tackling challenging issues to build founders’ knowledge and understanding. We bring in leading speakers in the field to discuss difficult topics head on and share insight.

15 posts
Prototypes, MVPs, low code and CTOs

Prototypes, MVPs, low code and CTOs

We recently delved into the how-to's of building a prototype as part of our Deep Dive series. Our panel of experts discussed the options available to founders - bringing a CTO into the team, sourcing software developers and exploring low code and no code options yourself. What did...

by Raise
The product isn't yours

The product isn't yours

A blog by Raise Mentor Kris Jones The product isn’t yours. You heard me.  That’s got your attention. Ok, so having been through a bit of a journey myself with Magic Sauce, helping start-ups with their products and being a complete nerd for all things product related in...

by Raise
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